Dencar Pay Station (Model EP) Stainless Steel


  • Cashless electronic payments unit
  • 13” high definition, temperature regulated screen

SKU: 884 Category:


If you are looking for an Electronic Payments solution (no cash), this unit is for you. The DPS Model EP uses a 13” version of the high definition temperature regulated screen for ultra-responsive customer engagement regardless of climate. It is part of the Integrated Sales Experience line-up, so operators have full visibility and management of this unit.  There is no need to worry about cash handling exposure or cost with this design.

Additional information

Payment Types
Accepts EMV (a.k.a. chip cards) credit/debit, magnetic stripe credit/debit, custom branded gift passes, Tap to Pay.
Apple/Android/Samsung/Google Pay®
  • High visibility 13-inch touch screen for customer interaction with full video & audio capability
  • Advanced bar code image reading functionality
  • Text receipts and electronic customer record retention
  • Integrated security camera for driver capture
  • Fixed height pedestal base to be placed on a suggested 4" height curb.  4" spacers available for street level mounting.